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Exclusively for HDFC Bank Credit Cards Offer is valid till 31st Dec'19 Terms of the Offer: If the customer doesn't receive the discount, he/she must raise the claim at within 3 months from the booking date. In the event the Cardholder fails to do so, he/she will not be eligible for the discount amount This offer is NOT applicable on HDFC Bank corporate cards Add-on cards will be treated as separate cards This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer of MakeMyTrip MakeMyTrip reserves the right, at any time, without prior notice and liability and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to add/alter/modify/change or vary all of these terms and conditions or to replace, wholly or in part, this offer by another offer, whether similar to this Offer or not, or to extend or withdraw it altogether For any card related claims, the customer shall approach the Bank and MakeMyTrip shall not entertain any such claims MakeMyTrip is the sole authority for interpretation of these terms MakeMyTrip shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising due to force majeure event In the event of any misuse or abuse of the offer by the customer or travel agent, MakeMyTrip reserves the right to deny the offer or cancel the booking In no event the entire liability of MakeMyTrip under this offer shall exceed the amount of promotional discount under this offer MakeMyTrip shall not be liable to for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the offer Disputes, if any, arising out of or in connection with this offer shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in Delhi User Agreement and Privacy Policy at MakeMyTrip website shall apply Customer’s, who are Travel Agents by occupation, are barred from making bookings for their customer’s and MakeMyTrip reserves the right to deny the offer against such bookings or to cancel such bookings. For such cases, MakeMyTrip shall not refund the booking amount.

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